QBS - Quality Business Software Apps

Pool Scoreboard 1.0
Application Pool Scoreboard was developed for people who play pool.The programme scores the frames won by each player. The use of thisapplication makes scoring easy and convenient. Thanks to this, weno longer have to focus on memorizing the results of every game andwe can fully devote ourselves to enjoying the game. We can get ridof pens, paper and pieces of chalk. You need just a mobile devicerunning on Android. Moreover, with Pool Scoreboard, the audiencecan see the outcome of every game. To start Pool Scoreboard: Inputthe name of the game, Input the names of the players or team names,Select the mode of breaking each new frame (winner or alternatebreaks). After inputing the data, you will see the scoreboardscreen showing: Name of the frame, Players names, Scored points,Easy to use buttons to change the score A bar indicating whobreaks. After running the Pool Scoreboard the break bar will belocated in a random position. It shows the player (or team) whomust break. The position of the break bar can be changed manuallyat any time. The score is changed by using + or – buttons.
Pool Scoreboard 2.0 1.0.3
Application Pool Scoreboard 2.0 was developed for people who playpool.